Into the Light

13 Oct

After 69 days in the darkness, the operation to save 33 miners began last night.  Though it takes nearly one hour to retrieve each miner with the rescue capsule, as I watched coverage this morning, there was an electricity in the air.  A renewed hope.  A new freedom.
I can't imagine the thoughts going through the minds of these miners, as they individually climb into the small capsule.  Once inside, as the capsule is being pulled up slowly, imagine the fear, the hope.  The sense of being on the edge of light.
Mario Sepulveda, the second miner to be pulled from the darkness, is quoted as saying, "I have been with God and with the devil. I fought between the two. I seized the hand of God, it was the best hand. I always knew God would get us out of there."
In all things, light overcomes the darkness.
We have hope.  We have freedom.
Image of Mario Sepulveda appears courtesy of the New York Daily News